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Thursday, 23 May 2013


the blazing deserts of my mind seeking you in silence,
the broken fragments of my heart weeping in solitude
the tear drops of my bruised  soul smouldering in mortality
the misty memories of my love wandering alone on endless roads
the earthly songs of my grief echoing unheard in dark valleys
the tender care of my longingness fading away in starless nights
the soft wind of my dreams blowing away with heartless times
the spring of my life haunting the happy days that are gone
the melancholy of my emptiness daunting the world and its savage ways.

Teenage love story

' Bold and the beautiful
  both wanted to rule,
 It is all the game
 so said the dame,
she  tried  to  flutter
 open went his shutter,
spellbound was the attraction
 exciting  was  the  sensation,

chemistry was in operation
both  were  in  confusion,
when heart won over the head
                            they freaked together      
                                      painting the  town  red '' .  

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Yesterday when we were together-
the splendid things we planned 
the sunset we watched 
the taste of rain upon our tongue
the dreams of vague future - 'yet to be born'
the crazy laughter we shared 
you holding me close to your heart
parted by time yet bound by memories
which i kept alive in my imagination